ALICE in North Carolina and South Carolina

The Carolinas Credit Union Foundation extends sincere thanks to our partners at the United Way for sharing the definitions, data and reports that follow.

Who is ALICE?

ALICE (Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed) speaks to the lived experience of millions of everyday people in America and here in the Carolinas. ALICE families make more than the Federal Poverty Level but fall below the ALICE Threshold. That threshold is an income at which individuals and families can afford their basic needs. The ALICE Threshold is based on budgets that include costs for everyday essentials like housing, transportation, food and childcare. 

A project of the United Way, the Carolinas Credit Union Foundation is proud to sponsor the ALICE report for both North Carolina and South Carolina. This page links you to ALICE data for your community, discusses the implications of this information for credit unions, and shares frameworks, tools and resources to empower credit unions and their employees to apply empathy as well as resources to make a tangible difference in the life of ALICE.

ALICE Data Center

United for ALICE Resource Center is a comprehensive site listing ALICE data and reports from across the country. See below for key pages and tools:

South Carolina Data & Reports

North Carolina Data & Reports

Coming Soon!